Q: How many other events do I need to attend before the Xtreme Million?
A: None! No previous races required, and no qualifications required.
Q: Do I need to be a member?
A: There are NO memberships required for the 2023 Xtreme Million.
Q: Do I have to be present for the Xtreme Million Finals awards on Sunday?
A: No you do not have to be present for the awards ceremony on Sunday. Upon check in, we will take photos of everyone with the big check. We will mail checks and awards once we have a current W9 on file.
Q: How many times do I get to run in the Xtreme Million on one entry fee?
A: The finals is a one go with 4 performances (Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday). So you will run one time per entry fee.
Q: Can I have multiple spots into the finals?
A: Yes. It is a true open race based on rider only. There are no limits to how many times you can enter. You can even run the same horse as many times as you would like.